Birmingham's boldest women
Laurence Bassingha

Laurence Bassingha is president of Lib’active, an organisation whose mission is to promote French Language proficiency for all, including job seekers, asylum seekers, and adults engaged in continuing education.
Lib’active also promotes cultural exchanges in France, England, and Germany and aims to establish French libraries in high schools and colleges in Africa and Asia. Laurence is passionate about the benefits of learning languages and breaking down barriers to learning.
A French woman raised in Cameroon, Laurence has overcome huge adversity in her personal and professional life including racism, unemployment and ultimately homelessness.
Despite these challenges, Laurence is an inspirational educator who has taught at colleges, universities and The Brasshouse, one of the UK’s leading language centres. When a student was asked what they thought of her French class, they responded “What I love about French is the teacher”.
In addition, Laurence is a highly accomplished researcher in the field of second language acquisition and has presented her findings at several national and international conferences. Following a Master's degree in Action Research for Education, Laurence continued her research into "The effect of transactional leadership to perpetuate racism when managing and developing Learning in an H.E. institution in Wales: An ethnographic investigation”
Laurence is honoured and delighted to be selected as one of Birmingham’s Boldest Women. Her vision is to collaborate with partners to develop Lib’active to develop the project and expand the department of French in Birmingham libraries, particularly in the Handsworth neighbourhood.