Second round of funding awarded to community groups to help embrace Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games

320 community initiatives across Birmingham have received more than £1.4million through the Celebrating Communities Small Grants Funding Scheme
Funds totalling more than £1million have been given to 247 projects thanks to the second round of awards for a city council programme designed to help people celebrate the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.
With the Games just over one month away, the latest round of grants means 320 initiatives across all 69 of the city’s wards have now received support worth more than £1.4million through the Celebrating Communities Small Grants Funding Scheme.
The scheme is an investment by the council to maximise the benefit and legacy of being the Proud Host City for the Games – ensuring its reach stretches beyond just the areas hosting competition or cultural events.
Ward Forums and community voting were used to help select the successful applications, to ensure the projects best met the needs and wishes of local people.
The list of grantees from Rounds One and Two of Celebrating Communities can be found on the city council’s website.
Cllr Ian Ward, Leader of Birmingham City Council, said:
“The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games are about much more than the sporting action - Celebrating Communities funding is all about making the event relevant to people, wherever they are in Birmingham.
The Games have the power to bring people in this city together and as the Proud Host City we’re determined that the benefits reach every district and neighbourhood.
Projects are already doing some bold and inspirational work through the first round of funding and this second series of awards ensures residents in all of our wards have access to something local to them that helps them celebrate and feel a part of the Games.”
This is a key part of a summer of activity that will showcase the best of Birmingham at the start of what will be a golden decade for the city.”