Innovation: Be Bold, Be Birmingham Podcast

Innovating Brum! We talk new technologies, evolving industries and career opportunities in episode 10 of the Be Bold, Be Birmingham podcast with guests Taran Singh and Clayton Shaw
Episode 10 of the Be Bold, Be Birmingham podcast is available to download now.
Hosted by bold Brummie Melzy J, the podcast series tells the stories from the people who make our city the beating heart of the UK.
In episode 10: Innovation, Melzy and co-host Ben chat with Taran Singh, a creative XR designer and Clayton Shaw of STEAMhouse.
Taran and Clayton discuss new technology, what metaverse is, evolving industries, innovation in Birmingham and opportunities for young people in the city.
The Be Bold, Be Birmingham podcast is available to download and listen to on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and watch on YouTube.