Birmingham 2022 Creative City Grants

Applications have gone live for Birmingham 2022 Creative City Grants
An extraordinary opportunity for community groups in Birmingham to apply for a grant of up to £20,000 to deliver creative project.
Thanks to funding from Birmingham City Council, the projects will be a part of the upcoming the six-month festival of culture accompanying the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.
Up to 150 individual community groups will benefit from grants, with the goal to ensure that every ward in the city benefits from the £2m fund.
A full breadth of community groups based in Birmingham are encouraged to apply, from local sporting teams and youth groups through to disability groups and LGBTQI+ networks who want to create arts as part of the six-month festival of culture accompanying the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games. Those who have never applied for grants of this kind before are welcomed and the Birmingham 2022 Culture Programme are ready to provide support and advice.
Encouraging artists and communities to work in partnership, the programme aims to be fully representative of the people of Birmingham with a panel of community leaders involved in the selection process.
Thanks to generous investment from Birmingham City Council, the grants will provide an opportunity for Birmingham residents to come together to co-create artworks, creative works and performances to occupy the high streets, neighbourhoods, parks, waterways, venues and civic spaces of the city.
Submit an application or find out more about Creative City Grants