Putting us on the map

A welcoming city

Open our city to the world and connect our communities for and after the Games.

How we will make this happen?

  • Work with B2022 OC to ensure the 6 month B2022 Cultural Festival showcases Birmingham
  • Creative City and Celebrating Communities funding ensuring initial investment and community activation across the city

Flagship initiative

Working with key partners, develop a viable and sustainable annual cultural event in 2023 called the Birmingham International Festival that celebrates the city’s diverse culture.

Key measurements for benefits realisation monitoring

  1. Percentage of projects in deprived wards (Linked to the Creative City and Celebrating Communities Funds)
  2. Number of Birmingham residents participating in volunteer programme
  3. Number of community groups supported
  4. Percentage of residents who agree they are proud to live in Birmingham
  5. Percentage of residents who agree their local area is a place where people of different ethnic backgrounds get on well together