Our evaluation framework

Case study

Evaluation of Small Grants Fund

A Young Persons Small Grants Fund is being set up and delivered by the council’s Youth Service. Applications will be received on a monthly basis, over a period of 8 months, and will be rigorously appraised and scored by a panel of young people against set criteria that objectively measures proposed improvements to the individual’s physical activity and/or wellbeing.

In-depth quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the scheme will be undertaken. A monthly report will detail how many grants have been issued and what activity they will be funding. This evaluation will also provide details on the geographic spread of the grants’ distribution with an additional overlay of age, gender and ethnicity information. Each applicant will also provide a narrative overview, accompanied by videos and photos if applicable, explaining how the grant has benefitted their general health, wellbeing and efforts to maintain or increase their levels of physical activity.

A final evaluation will also be undertaken to understand how participants have benefited from being involved in the design and delivery of the scheme, and the positive impact this has had on their personal development.